On April 25, 2015 the earth quaked in Nepal. It was one of the severest earthquakes in the past decades with a high number of casualties & massive destructions of houses & infrastructure. We are a little NGO only, but we were able to provide important first-aid-help in the following weeks & months - help financed by donations from Germany, s. our News-article "Our emergency support after earthquake 2015/16".

Today we are still in contact with people we could help 3 years ago. A relationship which finally resulted in the foundation of a 2nd school for women in Valche Gaun: the Saraswati-Project.

The Berlin based newspaper "taz" publishes pretty often topics which are not in the focus of the German media-publicity. So on April 25, 2018 about today's situation in Nepal. With taz's approval we link to their article (in German only) "Verspäteter Neustart in Nepal" & thank to the editors for their reporting.

our banking account for donations
Verein Mahadevi e.V. IBAN: DE05 6025 0010 0015 0415 66 & BIC: SOLADES1WBN
Mahadevi e. V. is non-profitable. Donations can be offset against tax.
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