2017/18: 10 years ago we founded our association Mahadevi e.V. and inaugurated our M-WEC-school in Patan a year later. We want to celebrate this little jubilee - in Germany and in Nepal. We will also have a look back on the years passed and dare to look forward to the next 10 years. We will keep you informed on our page "10 Years Jubilee".

It is a tradion already: in the weeks before Chrismas BOB rocks the concert-hall in Hohengehren - &, as always, the Mahadevi-association can book a considerable amount of money for the women's alphabetisation-work in Nepal supported by us. This year once again we enjoyed a great concert - find more information (German only) here.

As part of a trip to Nepal, which was organized by our chairman Detlef Gründel & his son Florian, the group went to see the Mahadevi-school in Patan & celebrated the school's 10-jears-jubilee with teachers & students.
Detlef Gründel & Dorothea Schütz visited afterwards the Saraswati-school in Valche Gaun which was inaugurated in March 2018.
See here a more detailed report.
Already a tradition: once a year our association organizes a concert with BOB (Beatles of Baltemore). The benefit of the concert is used to support the schools in Nepal. For more details see German version.